April 27, 2009

Dropping like flies . . .

So this morning, I was really enjoying some snuggle time with Ben {he's still fighting this miserable stomach bug} . . . I looked at the clock and realized it was nearly NINE!!! Cameron has never slept a minute past seven, so I hustled to her room to peek in on her.

The moment I opened the door I knew . . . The smell of regurgitated ham and cheese dinner hit me like a ton of bricks.

Cameron-girl has the bug. Bad.

She has thrown up her toenails today. All over her momma. I'm currently sporting shirt no. 6 of the day, and I'm long overdue for a shower.

Same song, second verse. Could get better, but it's gonna get worse!



  1. praying for you - please let me know if we can do anything!!!

  2. Oh sweet girl... I hope it is over. Love you!


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