August 30, 2009

Dress Code

A precious divinely-talented friend took photos today {more on that in a future blog post} . . .

She lovingly lent Cameron the pink tutu. The purple driving moccasins are mine.

The style, however, is all Cameron's.

Work. It. Girl.


August 29, 2009

I scream, you scream.




ice cream.


August 27, 2009

See-Saws & Spinners

There was no shortage of fun on this vacation. Ben and Paige made the most of the park . . . First it was spinning, then off to the see-saw. Then back to the spinner again. Thankfully all this occured before lunch, an important detail when dealing with small spinners and their stomachs.

Midland, Ruidoso, then Midland again. Benjamin, Cameron & Paige. Sadie & Tess {two month old King Charles Spaniels}. Deer & a rattlesnake. Paige's birthday party. Nine days of non-stop fun.

More pictures soon. Well, as soon as I get caught up in the laundry room.


Boy Toy

This kid digs airplanes. Kate digs this kid.

Thanks for the cool toy, Kate. He's still taking it to bed every night.


August 12, 2009


Caught him, Sunday, quite literally hanging out in his bedroom window. This was his choice of activity instead of resting, or better yet, napping. THAT BOY OF MINE!!!!! Ya'll, he is fun. He is mischievous. He is fast. These traits combined have convinced me that one day I'll be happily doing the dishes {okay, maybe the happy part is a stretch} at my kitchen sink, gazing out at the pretty pool just in time to see Ben do a cannon ball from his second floor window. First on my agenda as soon as we return from our Ruidoso trip, new no-risk-for-strangulation window treatments. Michele, get ready, I plan to put you to work and wear out your sewing machine.

PS Can you see the fear in his face upon being caught? I LOVE THAT!


August 02, 2009

Squirrel Hunting

Ellie has long held this post {Squirrel Patrol} in all four of the homes she has lived in. Cameron is giving her a run for her money.


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