One little girl's room. Actually, this is the third version of her boudoir. The first was her tiny nursery {at our previous home}.
The little tole bedside lamp is older than I am. It used to hang between twin beds in my aunt's room, when she was a young girl. It has been avocado green, barn red, and is now a soft cream with gilt details, courtesy of a very extended project that took over my breakfast room table. It was so worth it! I still need to find a fresh linen lampshade for it.
The headboard is my favorite piece in her room, I think. I fell in love with this one from Serena & Lily. It was about $1000 over budget. Thankfully, I had leftover fabric from her rocking chair cushion, and a dear, dear upholstery man in mind. Both came together beautifully.
Today's version is happy, filled with her beloved "stuff". Almost every blanket once belonged to my niece Paige . . . There are books everywhere, this tiny girl devours books. Not shown in these pictures, but always present for snoozing are Jessie, Bullseye, a sippy cup, four blankets, Minnie Mouse, Froggie, Piggy, a green flashlight and her chocolate brown polka-dot pillow. Sometimes Buzz & Woody join the entourage.
This bunny table has been a constant in her rooms. This little table used to be my mother's, and is poured concrete, intended for outdoor use. The lace drapes came all the way from our first townhouse {in Denver}.
I am hunting for an antique angel to go over her bed. Coco, any ideas?
Her big brother's room is up next . . .
I love his room. It's B-O-Y, and I love it all. Ben's bed was a splurge. I sold a piece of jewelry to buy it for him {I was pregnant with Cameron, Greg's lucky I didn't sell his baseball card collection and refurbish the entire house}. His nursery is shown here and here. His first big boy room was blogged about here.
Probably won't be long before I have to replace various items with big boy stuff. I'm trusting PB Kids to provide plenty of attractive boy stuff! Will it be Star Wars, baseball or Optimus Prime? Sponge Bob is banned.
Ben's closet is full of transformers. FULL OF THEM. I'm not sure what I'll do if his collection of autobots and decepticons grows any more! Someday I'll probably move him to the bigger room at the back of the house. But for now, he's just down the hall from his little sister.
And his Mommy.