April 27, 2009

Dropping like flies . . .

So this morning, I was really enjoying some snuggle time with Ben {he's still fighting this miserable stomach bug} . . . I looked at the clock and realized it was nearly NINE!!! Cameron has never slept a minute past seven, so I hustled to her room to peek in on her.

The moment I opened the door I knew . . . The smell of regurgitated ham and cheese dinner hit me like a ton of bricks.

Cameron-girl has the bug. Bad.

She has thrown up her toenails today. All over her momma. I'm currently sporting shirt no. 6 of the day, and I'm long overdue for a shower.

Same song, second verse. Could get better, but it's gonna get worse!


April 24, 2009

Bathing Beauty & Barf Buckets

We're nursing Ben through a terrible bout of strep throat and the stomach flu {more on that below}. Split bath routines are in force, as are frequent whispered prayers, to hopefully keep Cameron well. She loves the undivided attention. Tonight she babbled and blew kisses at her daddy while I happily snapped away. A very bright spot in the midst of some very blue days.

Ya'll, my Ben is so sick. He threw up around the clock {and around the park, and around the house, and around his room} until he was so weak he couldn't even keep his sad puppy-dog eyes open. Off to the ER for some IV fluids, zofran and a mega-dose of antibiotics . . . He has slept all but four hours today. The word pathetic comes to mind. The learning curve is steep this time around, but I'm happy to announce the following:

-Car seats should be cleaned often. Waaaay often. I know this. Thanks to half a bottle of Oxy, mine is finally clean again. Clean and sterile.

-You can wash custom upholstery on the back patio.

-Cursing doesn't help. Really, it doesn't.

-There is no diaper large enough to keep the sheets you've already washed four times safe from the 'tail-end' of the stomach flu.

-Everyone needs a NAP Cuddle Blanket from Brookstone. And they're on SALE right now! Seriously, nothing can penetrate this blanket. And my lovely son has put his to the test!!! So if you don't buy one because it's incredibly soft and comes in all these great colors and is trimmed in baby-soft-satin just like Little Giraffe products, then buy it to protect your sofa for years to come. I promise, it will be the best "Sick Blankie" you ever buy.

-Pedialyte really is gross.

-Walgreen's sells Pedialyte strips that are also gross.

-Having a newborn is NOT the only time in life that you can get away with not showering for days on end.

-There is nothing worse than not being able to help your child.

-There is no award for being a good mother. But a whispered "Thank you, Mommy" when you've kissed away tears or filled another cup with Sprite or changed the sheets again is better than being named Mother of the Year.


April 22, 2009

The Wonder Years

Who? What? When? Where? And the dreaded "Why, Mommy?" Ben seems to have a three-year old tick, which forces the Why-question about every seventeen seconds. In the car yesterday he asked me why over and over . . .

Ben: But, Mommy, why?

Me: I don't know, Ben. (long pause) Why do you think?

Ben: I think I don't know. Why, Mommy?

Over and over this tiny voice asks. I've started ignoring the question.

On another note, food continues to be a bit of a struggle around here. I struggle to eat less. Then I struggle to get up off of my hands and knees after cleaning up the disaster area under Cameron's high chair, never mind Cameron herself. I struggle to get healthy food into Ben. He struggles to get out of his booster seat. Struggle, struggle.

I did make a fun breakfast the other day (although I admit it didn't taste half as delicious as it looked). From Parenting magazine . . .

Breakfast Bonbons

1/4 cup sweet potato baby food
1/4 cup carrot baby food
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup old-fashioned rolled oats (not quick-cooking)
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used dark chocolate)

Roll ingredients into bite-sized balls. Pick your topping . . . Sprinkles or cinnamon sugar.


April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Cameron-Girl!

Our Cameron-girl is one. Happy Birthday to this sweet, sweet baby girl.

I keep thinking about this very day a year ago. Certain I was in labor, going to see my doctor, wondering when I might need to go the hospital. The day included dining out {with Greg}, shopping {for Ben}, and walking {for me, I think}. We went to The Cheesecake Factory, then to get Ben some new jammies. I even shoe-shopped! We walked until I was sure Cameron would land on her head in the middle of some random store. Finally back to Emma's office, where she pronounced us 'ready', whatever that means. Over to L&D to get checked in and then, to, well, labor. And labor I did, although my memory is fuzzy, hazy and tremendously happy.

Cameron arrived just after eight in the evening, a surprisingly tiny six pounds and seven ounces with perfectly functioning lungs. She began crying shortly after her arrival, and continued crying until five the next morning. Little did I know that her spunky, feisty, FABULOUS personality was making itself known during those early hours.

She warms my very soul, her smiles stop me in my tracks. She is a million little things, wrapped up in this tiny fire-cracker package.

Love our Diva, love her so.


April 08, 2009


Lord, you have been a Shepherd to me.

You have cared for me and provided for me.

You have loved me even when I ignored you.

Your eye has always been upon me.

You have offered me unlimited grace.

You have sent your own son to die for me.

You have freely given your Spirit to live in me.

You give me access to you at any time.

You have given me life and breath.

You have brought wonderful people in my life who care about me.

You freely forgive me when I fail you.

You strengthen me when I am weak and needy.

You hear my prayers.

You delight in my love.

You have given me a secure and eternal future with you.

You have rescued me from the pit of hell.

You have chosen me.

You have gifted me.

You have called me to a meaningful place in the great cosmic battle against the enemy.

You have protected me.

You want me.

You have given me food and shelter.

You have given me a country of freedom and bounty.

You have been so good to me.

My cup overflows.

This is from our wonderful pastor, Jeff Wells, sent via email two years ago. I save all my favorite devotionals {trust me, I need to read and re-read them OFTEN}.

If you don't already have something fun planned for the tiny mites in your life {besides the classic Easter egg hunt} I think this is the neatest idea . . . Easter Story Cookies. The adorable gal who turned me on to this idea even put a printable PDF link on her blog.

"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect." 1 Peter 1:18-19


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