July 21, 2011

Summer Salad

Made this a few weeks back for Father's Day {maybe?}, and have been meaning to put it on the blog. The recipes on pinterest are amazing. If you haven't gotten into pinning, it's a fantastic way to spruce up your recipe file.

Corn & Avacado Salad
-4 Ears Corn, husk removed, steamed, remove corn with sharp knife
-2 Avocados, diced and sprinkled with lemon juice to prevent browning
-2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
-1 zucchini, skin on, diced
-1 Small red onion, finely diced

In large bowl, mix above ingredients, refrigerate.

Cilantro Vinaigrette
-2 T Sherry vinegar {I used balsamic, it's all I had}
-3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-10 grinds of fresh ground pepper

Mix all of the above ingredients in small glass jar {with lid}. Shake really well. When ready to serve salad, add the dressing and gently toss. Serve cold.

Original recipe {and a gazillion other wonderful things} found here.

July 19, 2011

real life & an update

I noticed {yesterday} a sweet local store was putting out fall and holiday decor. That puts me like four to five months further behind than I realized!!

And lastnight {at nine o'clock} our new fridge was delivered. Still unsure as to why it wasn't delivered today, during it's scheduled window between ten and two. The delivery man was kind enough to get it to the front porch, and then he bailed! We broke brother-in-law's dolly attempting to get the fridge in the house. And, to make things a wee-bit sticky, it's about a half-inch too tall for it's custom niche. The carpenter should be here soon. Rats, rats, rats.

The service-engine light came on in the car. Yuck.

I let the kiddos eat pizza yesterday for lunch, and I'm paying dearly for it. Cameron never takes it as hard as Ben does, but both are in a dye/preservative food fog today. Brother's Pizza is now on the black list {and I should have known better}.

A snack we all love, love, love is this Darrell Lea liquorice:

We love it in mango and green apple, too. Sold at Cost Plus World Market. Or amazon.com in bulk!

Back to real life . . . I'm going to need a triente {sp?} Starbucks today. Green tea and lemonade, here I come.

I am still addicted to pinning. Pretties, pretties everywhere, and happy beauty-seekers {like this cutie} meet me there regularly! I'm still working on this sweet house. I'm still busy, busy, busy chasing after Ben & Cam. I'm not in the garden, it's just too hot.

So this is our mantra, and I am really working on the "grace" part:

When the dust settles {it's flying now, the carpenters are here with about seventeen power tools}, and I've gone through a box of Swiffers, I'll post new pics.

Christmas will just have to get in line!!!


July 01, 2011

a full plate

look at that kid! he is so serious!!! my ben plays with conviction, and he's been getting some serious play-time in lately.

have i mentioned lately how busy he is? he runs everywhere. never stops moving. and, lately, has developed strong liking for hanging out in my pantry. he's eating me out of the house, although none of it sticks to him! i'm going to have to start making peanut-butter-banana milkshakes . . .

lately, too, he goes down to the kitchen in the early morning, and he pours his own milk. i love that!

his little sister is up to her own shenanigans. she's forever tying herself up, and then re-enacting a scene with rapunzel and moo-gene. a wee-bit cooky, but happy, and i wouldn't trade for the world!

this post is all over the place . . .

too much to do, too much to do . . . we leave tomorrow for a one-day jaunt to dallas, to celebrate my grandmother's 90th.

in preparation, i got a mani-pedi {second time ever}, and i feel pampered and pretty. also packed up a bunch of dye-free snacks for the little people to indulge in, and my sweetie picked up some new leapster games. the car ride should be a piece of cake. i'm already thinking about the giant starbucks and the easy conversation.

i'm hoping this studmuffin will let me drive some on the trip. his driving is a wee-bit scary to me. please, g, can i have a turn behind the wheel?

aforementioned hubs bought me a brand-new fridge on eBay!!! it's not here yet, but i won't have any problem committing to a wait-and-see-when-it-gets-delivered day next week. stay tuned for pics.

and . . . this post gets more jumbled by the second . . . here are some {not great} pics of my freshly painted {super great} doors.

did you spy it? my little bistro towel bar with french linens hanging from it? it's the newest addition to the island, and i still need to work on 'staging' it just so . . . maybe in september??? i always think i'll get around to everything in september . . . but back to the pretty doors!

i think there are twenty-eight doors to do {total}. downstairs i have two left. upstairs i have eighteen!!! yikes!! twenty more do go . . .

which means i need to stop blogging . . . bye for now, back with more soon!
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