October 11, 2009

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

"Imitation is the sincerest flattery."

-C.C.Colton (1780 -1832)

I'm supposed to be original. I suppose I am much of the time. This time, however, I down-right copied a brilliant young woman, mother of three, who's blog I just love.

Have you guys stalked discovered this darling Darby? What about her sister Erica? Whether I want to find a good recipe or the perfect school-house pendant for my kitchen, one of these two savvy chics can be counted on to deliver!

I unabashedly admit to copying the fabulous kilim rug she put in her family room. It's easy-on-the-eye and the family room got cozy just in time for the cool temps! Wish I could copy her loosely-upholstered sofa and custom curtains. Just lack a little time and a lot of money!

Disclaimer!! Still need to sand the coffee table, wax it and paint the sweet baskets below. Need some umbrellas and a couple of walking sticks for the umbrella stand, but am waiting for the wee-ones to get out of the weaponry-stage!

1 comment:

  1. I have a pending sofa table project too! Bring it over and we can work on it together!


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