October 23, 2009

Just Ben

He's as fun as he is handsome. He's as fast as he is tall {current clothes sport a size 5/6 tag}. His growing feet continue to eat into my personal shoe budget.

This week at pre-school he learned the sweetest little song "God Our Father". Sung to the familiar tune of "Are You Sleeping", his version is a bit different than the original . . .

God our Fauder
God our Fauder
Once again
Once again
Thank you for our Blessings
Thank you for our Blessings.
Oh Man!
Oh Man!


  1. LOL at the "Oh Man" ending. My kids have been singing that too and argue how to say "Amen". My favorite is some play ground song they sing. Part of it goes, "We are having a won-da-fow day". So cute.

  2. He is so big....and so precious!!! Someday when Addison is hunting for a TALL, dark and handsome man to marry, we will have to reintroduce them!!!

    The Little Princess is a doll, too!!! Little girl, but smile!!!


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