August 27, 2012

Great things!

A new year!  A new grade!!  A new teacher!!!  Today my Ben became a first-grader!!!

I am a big fan of school.  I like freshly sharpened pencils, Elmer's glue {although, seems it's been replaced by much tidier glue sticks}, crisp spiral ring notebooks.  I love it much more the second time around, as a mother, seeing my little ones so excited about back-to-school. 

Always running.  Always.
Talked him into stopping just long enough for a quick picture!
Isn't he CUTE???  New shoes, new backpack & a big smile!

Led his dad all the way to the classroom. 
No directions needed for this first-grader.

Ben B. has arrived!
This morning Ben downed a huge home-made breakfast, chased it with a huge spoonful of Cookie Butter and an ice cold glass of milk--and literally leaped down the sidewalk the whole way to school. 

I'm hoping this year is stellar.  I'm praying over him, his sweet little class-mates, and his darling teacher.  Sweet child of mine--may you always have your huge sense of adventure!  May you nurture old friendships and build up new ones!  I promise to pack you a healthy lunch & pick you up every single day to hear all about your day!  And, as always, there are plenty of super-cool Band-aids in your backpack. 

"Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance."
Proverbs 1:5

August 06, 2012

Girl + Garden

Impromptu fall wardrobe modeling session in the garden this morning . . .

Love those big old chocolate brown eyes!

Outfit two, lovingly brought to you by Big Dad & Kate.

Spent the last three weeks trimming, moving, editing & hanging with girl pictured above. 
She is my right-glove in the garden.  I'm rarely lonely out there!

Added a new rock path.  First, dug out about a gazillion river rocks
to make room for the new path.  Hence afore-mentioned three weeks work. 

Growing pinecone collection.  We add a few every day, it seems.
May paint them for the holidays and add to the glittery decor at Chez Burkett!

Added Nymph White Salvia this year--may be my new favorite
{it's the tall plant in the background, about to expode with blossoms again!}

Chez Burkett {Summer 2012}

August 02, 2012


Good heavens.  Summer-time has proven to be long on activity and short on cool breezes!  We're here, I just selfishly decided to have fun with my kids instead of documenting it.  And someday I'll wish for pictures, as the memories will surely fade--but I must admit I prefer my perch amongst the activity as opposed to hiding out behind the lens! 

Magic Kingdom 2012

A favorite princess was everything she had hoped for . . .

Two of my favorite princesses together!

Turns out Greg wanted to meet a princess {or two, or three}!

Benjamin loves his Uncle Dustin!

Cameron & Snow White

I'd rather be riding Space Mountain with Coco!

The two very special people who took us to Disney World!

Jacob, Cameron, Matthew, Benjamin, Paige & Caitlin

Did y'all know Chef Mickey's has red wine?

Seriously.  These poor folks.  No idea where their kids were . . .

Paigers, Coco & Big Dad came to visit!

Love Bug continues to grow, mostly whiskers and fur now.

Still working on Chez Burkett! 

Currently dog-sitting for this Love Bug, also known as Freckles. 

Holly--looking sweet--but actually guarding her rawhide.
I couldn't summarize the last eight weeks if I tried. 

So happy a picture's worth a thousand words . . .

School's back in session in four tiny weeks, so I've gotta get back to summer{ing}.
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