January 23, 2010
The tooth fairy came . . . about two years too early!
January 21, 2010
What's old is new again . . .
Big Daddy & Kate, thank you for saving this lovely chair. Thank you too for Cameron's Christmas bucks, which paid for it's new look. I think it just made heirloom status.
January 19, 2010
A spoonful of sugar . . .
January 18, 2010
Old favorites & a new look
-The Queen of England
We lived very simply but with all the essentials of life well understood and provided for: hot baths, cold champagne, new peas and old brandy.
-Winston S. Churchill
Be pretty if you can, be witty if you must, but be gracious if it kills you.
-Elsie de Wolfe
May the warm winds of heaven blow softly on this house. May God bless all who enter here.
-unknown, but may soon find it's way into my home, traced softly on the stairs . . .
Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility... It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things, and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down. Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbereth not. Though weary, it is not tired; though pressed, it is not straitened; though alarmed, it is not confounded.
The expression we live by . . . The one that best reflects spilled milk, cookie crumbs, lost keys and more . . . C'est la vie!
My mother and I still talk about writing a book of favorite quotes, bits of wisdom, cherished words otherwise stored in our minds. Maybe we'll accomplish that goal, cook all the recipes, and stay caught up with the children and their laundry. Maybe not! That's life!
January 13, 2010
January 06, 2010
January 04, 2010
Deep Thoughts by Benjamin James
Me: Ben, today we begin Daddy Detox.
Ben: I think we're going to need some walkie-talkies and some chocolate.
Recently, hanging out in the kitchen with both kids, we had the following conversation:
Me: Ben, do you know who I love?
Ben: Um, who?
Me: Well, I love you & Cameron & Daddy. And Ellie! Oh, let's not forget Kate & Big Daddy, Coco & Dustin & Paige, Mimi & Papa, Aunt 'Lissa, Uncle Bread, Ca-Cay, Jacob & Matthew. I love Jesus & God, too. And I love Sadie and Tessie.
Ben: Well, I love you and Daddy and Cameron and Ellie . . . And Mommy?
Me: What Ben?
Ben: Cameron, well, she just loves herself.
This past week Ben whacked his precious friend Sam in the head. Sherry {Sam's mom} overhead the altercation, and walked into the room to find Ben kissing poor Sam and saying, "You know Sam, I wouldn't hit you if you didn't make me so mad."
A Clean Slate
Design. So many ideas with a shoe-string budget. Soft linen window treatments for the living room and study. I'd love to go ahead and get a seagrass rug for the dining room. I adore my living room seagrass, and I also dig the price tag. The utility room is begging for a giant message board, complete with a lovely linen fabric and some nailhead trim. I want to repaint {well, for Leo to repaint} the exterior of our home. I want to change the front door & the doorbell hardware. Greg wants new interior door hardware, and I want to paint all the doors a soft dove-grey. Still need to find that fireplace screen. The kitchen deserves it's own post, so I'll save that for later . . . Big changes & little changes for this sweet house.
Personal goals . . . Read the Bible more. Pray more. Love harder. FOCUS. I really need to work on my patience with the little people who love to try it. Blog more. Take more photographs. Long walks with B & C. Cook from scratch. Write letters. Be on time. Make sweet tea, from scratch, with the help of the sunshine. Garden with my children.
In the Spot Light!
I love it. I think it's perfect. Rock on, Ms. Italian Wooden Chandelier, rock on with your bad self!