October 27, 2008

Current Stats

The Diva had a check-up this morning. Yes, she boo-hooed when she got her shots, but otherwise had a great appointment. Cameron weighed in at 14 pounds 9 ounces, and measured 25-1/2 inches long. She's a tiny girl, especially when compared to Ben!

She LOVES . . . applesauce, evening walks, bubble baths and snuggling.

She HATES . . . peas, prunes, taking naps, being alone.

Nicknames include The Diva, Moonie-Girl, Missy, and Baby (Ben's favorite).

She is trying to sit up, loves to blow bubbles, talks (squeals) constantly, and is ooching backwards and rolling over to try to get to (Ben's) toys.

She is a busy joy.


October 18, 2008

Baby Dedication

This weekend we had the privilege of dedicating Cameron at our church, Woods Edge. It is incredible to stand up there on that stage and have the congregation pray for you, support you, as you take on parenthood.

Benjamin thought the bright lights were a little intimidating, but loved snuggling in his Daddy's lap during the service (and he acted like the perfect gent, go Ben!). Cameron stole the show and squealed and cooed the entire time, in true diva-fashion. And speaking of fashion, she wore the same christening gown that I wore when I was six months old.

We selected a Bible verse for Miss Cameron, and I hope and pray that she writes it on her heart.

"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17



I got tagged by Miss Amy to post the sixth picture from my sixth photo file. And lucky me, it's one of my favorite pictures . . . Baby Benjamin at seven days old, can't believe how tiny he was.


October 16, 2008


Sweet Jennifer, thank you so much for the hand-me-down Step & Play Piano. Doesn't it remind you of the piano scene from the movie "Big"? Ain't nothing like a toy that can pacify a tired baby, and the silver lining . . . it only takes three batteries! We promise to love it fiercely, and then pass it on. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


October 10, 2008

Girl's Day In

Amy and Sarah came over the other morning for a Girl's Day In. Sure was fun. The hi-light was watching Sarah practice her pirouettes in her Tinkerbell costume. I made the mistake of calling her Sarah, and was gently reminded that she was Tinkerbell, not Sarah, and her mother was now Belle. What a doll! Amy took a great picture of me and Cameron, for which I'm so thankful, as I have maybe two pictures of us together! Love you, Friend!


Cameron Elizabeth

The diva is nearly six months old! And guess what folks, her night-time habits rival that of the fussiest newborn. But oh my stars, we love this child. Ben is such a fan of his baby sister, and has taken great pride in (literally) teaching her all about swings, exersaucers and most of the baby toys that we've recently hauled out of our attic. She is in no way scheduled, although I'm certain she would benefit from a little routine. Life is chaos here, and it's wonderful. It really is wonderful.


October 01, 2008

Up, Up & Away!

Love these pictures. Especially love how Ben looks worried, as if his daddy might not catch him! After each catch, Ben would (purposefully) tumble to the ground then jump up for another round, screaming for "Moren". Yes, he has added the letter "n" to the word more. Milk is also known as "Nilk" in our house. Silly boy. Be still my heart.


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