August 07, 2008


BLOG-OVER! I started my little blog just before Benjamin joined us, and I have so enjoyed posting sweet news about him. Now Miss Cameron joins the fun, and well, it just seemed like it was time to spruce things up a bit. Maybe the fact that I'm completely sleep-deprived and unable to be my normal Type-A self lead me to seek help in 'perfecting' my blog. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it. More soon. For now, it's nap-time in my house, so I'm off to join my little ones in dream-land.



  1. Amanda, I LOVE it!!! I love your title! I am so blessed by you, sweet friend!

  2. beautiful!!!! it suits you so well!

  3. I like the new look, but where's the new family portrait? You need to add Cameron! Hope you guys are staying cool and enjoying these last few weeks of summer.

  4. Love the Blog! You have impeccable taste, as always!

  5. I love the new look. So cute and classic. Love you!


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