March 17, 2013

Missing in action . . .

An apology is desperately needed here . . .  Forgive me.  For the record, I did not fall off the face of the earth, although--there were plenty of moments I wanted to. 

I have felt paralyzed.  Unable to write . . .  Or maybe unable to come to terms with my emotions?  Not sure which, maybe both. 

To post a pretty picture seemed unkind.  To focus on details wasn't fair to the big picture. 

My sweet mother-in-law lost her fight with cancer, and as much time as we've had with her--as prepared as I thought I might be to let her go--no one could have prepared me, or my family, for the struggle and the physical despair she faced in the last months.  We have been through a trauma, and we're all still very much on the mend.

I really can't put my words here.  I'm not afraid to do so, I just haven't found my voice yet.  We are healing.  We are stronger.  I am not afraid.  I love actually knowing that His peace is made perfect in weakness.  I the midst of the great sadness there is so much peace. 

I'll not leave you for long this time.  There are flowers to plant, and growing children to document.  We are in the midst of a huge bathroom remodel, and we're finally at the pretty stage.  A beautiful new-to-me sofa has found a home in our living room, after I discovered his faded beauty on woodlands online, my new favorite virtual garage-sale!  Spring is springing, and my camera is fully charged. 

I'll bring some beauty and some fun and some whimsy when I return.  And I'm so looking forward to it.  See you soon.  Very, very soon. 


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Eventually you all will be able to smile at the good memories, but for now I am sure it hurts too much, so go ahead and cry. It sounds like she was so special, so I am sure her loss has left a huge void. Hold those little ones tight. Peace to your hearts.

    1. Charisse--thank you so much! Your words are so full of tender meaning and kindness! She was, and is, irreplacable! I promise to hug the little ones extra tight!!

  2. Love you!! Looking forward to pictures of the bathroom. Give me some pretty :-) And of course new pictures of Cam and Ben.

    1. Love you, too, Tracey!! Pretty coming this week, promise!! Ben's top tooth is hanging by a thread. We didn't take into account Spring Break and Mrs. Davis's travel plans!

  3. Sweet girl, don't apologize for a single second. No apologies or forgiveness needed in the blog world. You've been doing the needful things. Love you, girl!

    1. Thank you. You are so precious to me, Friend. "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born during adversity." Proverbs 17:17.

    2. Love that verse. And there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. ;) xo!


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