I'm dwelling on the memories. Remembering that I was instantly Mama Bear, proud and
Almost every afternoon we napped together. We did very little sleeping at night. He still sleeps with that blue blanket . . . A soft, tattered reminder to me, a familiar comfort to him.

What I wouldn't give for a do-over with this happy guy. He was full of grins, so happy and easy. He was hungry {still is, commonly eats 2+ sandwiches at lunch}. He was FUN!

Fast forward several years . . . My boy isn't a baby or a toddler any longer. He's a boy! He actually has hair growing on his legs {and a serious hair on one big toe}!!

Ben loves dogs, transformers, chocolate milk and his blue blanket. He rides his scooter endlessly about the cul-de-sac with his little sister in tow. He loves to take things apart. He's energetic, enthusiastic and easy-going. He hates thunder and lighting. He really hates green beans and carrot salad grosses him out. He runs everywhere. Not. Kidding. Runs. Everywhere.
Happy Birthday Ben. I love being your mother.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18