March 30, 2011

Friday's Child

On this birthday eve, I can't stop thinking about the night my Ben made his debut. He was a Friday's child.

I'm dwelling on the memories. Remembering that I was instantly Mama Bear, proud and over-protective. I never let anyone babysit {grandparents included} until he was nearly nine months old. But this child, this sweet boy, well, he had my heart.

Almost every afternoon we napped together. We did very little sleeping at night. He still sleeps with that blue blanket . . . A soft, tattered reminder to me, a familiar comfort to him.

What I wouldn't give for a do-over with this happy guy. He was full of grins, so happy and easy. He was hungry {still is, commonly eats 2+ sandwiches at lunch}. He was FUN!

Fast forward several years . . . My boy isn't a baby or a toddler any longer. He's a boy! He actually has hair growing on his legs {and a serious hair on one big toe}!!

Ben loves dogs, transformers, chocolate milk and his blue blanket. He rides his scooter endlessly about the cul-de-sac with his little sister in tow. He loves to take things apart. He's energetic, enthusiastic and easy-going. He hates thunder and lighting. He really hates green beans and carrot salad grosses him out. He runs everywhere. Not. Kidding. Runs. Everywhere.

Happy Birthday Ben. I love being your mother.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

March 28, 2011


We have had a turtle!

Story goes something like this:

Greg empties pool baskets and discovers tiny turtle trapped!

Rescue and naming ceremony {"Rocco Jon Burkett" courtesy of Ben}.

Mad dash to pet store for tank and recommended supplies.

Adorable Rocco and newly acquired reptile tank make residence in the kitchen {a good place for observing--the children--not the turtle}.

At this point a little instinct kicked in, and I took to the web for some turtle research. The little darling was a Red Slider Turtle, and a baby one, at that. He needed some serious equipment in order to survive his expected thirty-five years. Upon reading that a major necessity was a 100-gallon tank with a UV-B light and sunning perch, I started typing in google searches such as "reptile rescue" and "turtle rehab".

Fast-forward to this afternoon. Picnic blanket in hand, we journeyed to the pond and had a turtle-release ceremony complete with cupcakes.

Shortly after taking to the water {pretty sure Rocco is an Olympic swimmer}, five adult turtles swam over to make their introductions. The kids and I were positively pumped! We promptly decided that Rocco's new family would take good care of him and show him the ropes.

Fare-thee-well tiny turtle. It was cool meeting you, Rocco.

PS We're headed out tomorrow to buy fish to replace the hole in our hearts!!

March 07, 2011


This little niece of mine is growing like a weed. She can belt out any Taylor Swift number, and does a somewhat Marilyn Monroe-ish version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. She's the only human alive who talks more than Ben. Make that a lot more. She is all girl, and rolls happily with Cameron during her frequent visits. Ben loves that he gets to torture two victims.

Paige was a preemie. Her first official weigh in topped the charts at 3 pounds 13 ounces. She spent her first five weeks at the NICU in Odessa . . . She was a trooper from the very beginning. I doubt if there's anything Ben could throw her way that she couldn't handle.

Now Paige is five-and-a-half with two loose teeth. A modern day miracle, evidence of the hand of God, wrapped up {knit together} in a package of curls, sugar & sass.

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16
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