July 11, 2009

Just plain sticky

Summer is sticky in this house. Sticky fingers, sticky spots on the floor . . . Sticky faces post-meal time are pretty much a guarantee. So I stock the top kitchen drawer with wipes, and when I get the kiddos to bed early {usually due to a nap deficit} I clean the floors. Tonight, the floors are clean thanks to dining alfresco. Ain't nothing better than a mozzarella pizza dinner in the warm, damp heat chased by raspberry popsicles.

Master Benjamin showed off his tongue skills, his fat lip and his eyelashes post-dinner.

This child takes nothing seriously. He's the life of the party every night. EVERY night.

Sweet old Ellie, she rarely makes the blog. She faithfully makes it to her perch at the table every night. She doesn't eat rejected fruit & vegetables, but happily eats everything else, and contributes greatly to the cleaning of the floors.

This girl never misses a meal. And she digs the aforementioned mozzarella pizza.

More swimming. Always more swimming. Love this water baby boy.

As much fun as this sweet, sticky day has been . . . The high-light was when this boy braved the floors, sticky spots included, and installed my killer-new KitchenAid dishwasher. And to think I used paper plates tonight!


July 03, 2009

A Designer at Heart

Morning, ya'll.

I've got my cup of French Vanilla. Cameron is tucked in for a morning power-nap. Ben is happily chatting away to his daddy about all things Sesame Street related. I've stolen away to my pretty new study {which is still a TOTAL work in progress, but the progress makes me happy}.

Did you know I used to be a designer? Deep in my heart I still am, but I'm missing the current ASID label as I haven't paid my dues in three years (I'm also missing the free subscription to Southern Accents, a favored perk). Anyway, if wishes were horses, I'd have a chestnut thoroughbred in my back yard and a flourishing design company AND a gigantic room filled with fabrics from Bennison and rug samples from Elizabeth Eakins. I spend hours on these favored websites to scratch my decorating itch . . . Cote de Texas, Urban Grace Interiors, The Lettered Cottage and more.

Which leads me to the new house. I just love it. It's coming along. Slowly. But I'm having the best time. A couple of pictures of the little rooms that are feeling more done. Yep, I'm giving you a picture of the utility room floors {a big improvement from the yellow and green striped CARPET that was there prior to move-in}.

Back soon with more pictures. And who knows, maybe I'll start mixing design posts with cooking successes {rare, but it does happen here} and, of course, pictures of my sticky kids.


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