i am: a blog junkie
i think: about my loved ones, near and far, all the time
i know: i am incredibly blessed
i want: my children to know and love Jesus
i have: a wonderful husband
i wish: i could clone myself to meet all of the immediate needs of my little ones, and have a clean house at the same time
i hate: when the kids in our neighborhood are unkind to Ben
i miss: my niece Paige terribly
i fear: loss
i feel: tired, but happy as Cameron keeping me up all night must mean she's a healthy, thriving girl
i hear: sweet silence, as Ben is playing at his grandparent's house, and Cameron is napping
i smell: my lavender & rosemary diffuser
i crave: dark chocolate
i search: for Ben's sippy cups constantly
i wonder: sometimes, if I'm getting through to Ben (he's two, he's very two)
i regret: not having my children earlier
i love: hearing my kids laugh, it's a magical sound
i ache: for my friend Sarah, her little boy is so sick
i care: about what my family eats
i always: organize things
i am not: good at letting the little things go
i believe: that this is the best time of my life
i dance: with my silly Ben when we watch the music scene in Cars, and with Cameron when she needs some soothing
i sing: (terribly) "Lullabye" when I rock my babies
i cry: almost never
i don’t always: get the much-needed daily shower
i fight: the aging process
i write: on my blog and via email, rarely a real note
i win: most arguments
i lose: sleep when I'm anxious
i never: go a day without chocolate
i confuse: my words, now that sleep deprivation is at it's highest level
i listen: to Greg reading Ben his bed time stories
i can usually be found: in my sweet house, with my family
i am scared: of big gross bugs
i need: to vent when the day has been long and hard
i am happy about: the sweet, small moments that remind me why I'm here at home, being their mother, and that this job is so worth the hard times
What about you?