November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

No Thanksgiving pictures this year!! Ben had a miserable cold, I had a sore throat and Greg is still coping with back/nerve problems. That said, we still ate like champs. Greg's mom made the most amazing dinner, and we ate until we were, well, sick. Sicker than we already were, anyway.

The round table discussion at dinner included our lists of thanksgivings . . . How do you ever really sum it all up? We're so blessed by God. So incredibly blessed. Salvation, amazing grace and peace, His perfect peace. Family, each other, our Benjamin, the new baby. Our home. So incredibly blessed.

More pictures soon, I hope!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see you in blogworld again. i hope it is good sign. i hope to see you in "my" world soon...


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